Exercise 5: Introduction to BUGS & JAGS
The BUGS project (Bayesian inference Using Gibbs Sampling) was initiated in 1989 by the MRC (Medical Research Council) Biostatistical Unit at the University of Cambridge (United-Kingdom) to develop a flexible and user-friendly software for Bayesian analysis of complex models through MCMC algorithms. Its most famous and original implementation is WinBUGS
, a clicking software available under Windows. OpenBUGS
is an alternative implementation of WinBUGS
running on either Windows, Mac OS ou Linux. JAGS
(Just another Gibbs Sampler) is a different and newer implementation that also relies on the BUGS
language. Finally, the STAN
software must also be mentionned, recently developed et the Columbia Univeristy, ressemble BUGS
through its interface, but relies on innovative MCMC approaches, such as Hamiltonian Monte Carlo, or variational Bayes approaches. A very useful resource is the JAGS user manual.
To familiarise yourself with JAGS
(and its R
interface through the package rjags
), we will look here at the posterior estimation of the mean and variance of observed data that we will model with a Gaussian distribution.
Start by loading the
model has 3 components:
- the model: specified in an external text file (
) according to a specificBUGS
syntax - the data: a list containing each observation under a name matching the one used in the model specification
- the initial values: (optional) a list containing the initial values for the various parameters to be estimated
observations from a Gaussian distribution with mean and standard deviation using theR
and store it into an object calledobs
.N <- 50 # the number of observations obs <- rnorm(n = N, mean = 2, sd = 3) # the (fake) observed data
Read the help of the
package, then save a text file (.txt
) the following code defining theBUGS
model:# Model model{ # Likelihood for (i in 1:N){ obs[i]~dnorm(mu,tau) } # Prior mu~dnorm(0,0.0001) # proper but very flat (so weakly informative) tau~dgamma(0.0001,0.0001) # proper, and weakly informative (conjugate for Gaussian) # Variables of interest sigma <- pow(tau, -0.5) }
Each model specification file must start with the instruction model{
indicating JAGS
is about to receive a model specification. Then the model must be set up, usually by cycling along the data with a for
loop. Here, we want to declare N
observations, and each of them obs[i]
follows a Gaussian distribution (characterized with the command dnorm
) of mean mu
and precision tau
⚠️ In BUGS
, the Gaussian distribution is parameterized by its precision, which is simply the inverse of the variance (mu
and tau
. For mu
, we use a Gaussian prior with mean tau
we use the conjugate prior for precision in a Gaussian model, namely the Gamma distribution (with very small parameters, here again to remain the least informative possible). Finally, we give a deterministic definition of the additional parameters of interest, here the standard deviation sigma
NB: ~
indicates probabilistic distribution definition of a random variable, while <-
indicates a deterministic calculus definition.
With the
, create ajags
.myfirstjags <- jags.model("normalBUGSmodel.txt", data = list(obs = obs, N = length(obs)))
## Compiling model graph ## Resolving undeclared variables ## Allocating nodes ## Graph information: ## Observed stochastic nodes: 50 ## Unobserved stochastic nodes: 2 ## Total graph size: 58 ## ## Initializing model
With the
, generate a sample of size from the posterior distributions for the mean and standard deviation parameters.res <- coda.samples(model = myfirstjags, variable.names = c("mu", "sigma"), n.iter = 2000)
Study the output of the
function, and compute both the posterior mean and median estimates formu
. Give a credibility interval at 95% for both.plot(res)
res_sum <- summary(res) res_sum
## ## Iterations = 1:2000 ## Thinning interval = 1 ## Number of chains = 1 ## Sample size per chain = 2000 ## ## 1. Empirical mean and standard deviation for each variable, ## plus standard error of the mean: ## ## Mean SD Naive SE Time-series SE ## mu 1.481 0.4794 0.010720 0.010366 ## sigma 3.400 0.3544 0.007925 0.008421 ## ## 2. Quantiles for each variable: ## ## 2.5% 25% 50% 75% 97.5% ## mu 0.4692 1.183 1.480 1.790 2.422 ## sigma 2.7881 3.146 3.373 3.629 4.138
res_sum$statistics["mu", "Mean"]
## [1] 1.480532
res_sum$statistics["sigma", "Mean"]
## [1] 3.40049
res_sum$quantiles["mu", "50%"]
## [1] 1.479951
res_sum$quantiles["sigma", "50%"]
## [1] 3.372685
res_sum$quantiles["mu", c(1, 5)]
## 2.5% 97.5% ## 0.4691986 2.4218247
res_sum$quantiles["sigma", c(1, 5)]
## 2.5% 97.5% ## 2.788108 4.138293
Load the
package. This package functions for convergence diagnostic and analysis of MCMC algorithm outputs.library(coda)
To diagnose the convergence of an MCMC algorithm, it is necessary to generate different Markov chains, with different initial values. Recreate a new
object inR
and specify the use of 3 Markov chains with the argumentn.chains
, and initializemu
at andtau
at respectively with the argumentinits
(ProTip: use alist
, one for each chain).myjags2 <- jags.model("normalBUGSmodel.txt", data = list(obs = obs, N = N), n.chains = 3, inits = list(list(mu = 0, tau = 1), list(mu = -10, tau = 1/100), list(mu = 100, tau = 1/10)))
## Compiling model graph ## Resolving undeclared variables ## Allocating nodes ## Graph information: ## Observed stochastic nodes: 50 ## Unobserved stochastic nodes: 2 ## Total graph size: 58 ## ## Initializing model
res2 <- coda.samples(model = myjags2, variable.names = c("mu", "sigma"), n.iter = 1000) plot(res2)
With the
, plot the Gelman-Rubin statistic.gelman.plot(res2)
With the
evaluate the autocorrelation of the studied parameters.acfplot(res2)
par(mfrow = c(3, 2)) autocorr.plot(res2, ask = FALSE, auto.layout = FALSE)
With the
evaluate the running quantiles of the studied parameters. How can you interpret them ?par(mfrow = c(3, 2)) cumuplot(res2, ask = FALSE, auto.layout = FALSE)
Each row of the above graph is a different chain. The cumulative quantiles are indeed stable after the first few iterations in all chains.
With the function
from theR
, provide highest densitity posterior credibility intervals at 95%, and compare them to those obtained with the % and % quantiles.hdCI <- HDInterval::hdi(res2) hdCI
## mu sigma ## lower 0.6062673 2.750588 ## upper 2.4750619 4.083514 ## attr(,"credMass") ## [1] 0.95
symCI <- summary(res2)$quantiles[, c(1, 5)] symCI
## 2.5% 97.5% ## mu 0.5593933 2.439520 ## sigma 2.8209908 4.175792
symCI[, 2] - symCI[, 1]
## mu sigma ## 1.880126 1.354801
hdCI[2, ] - hdCI[1, ]
## mu sigma ## 1.868795 1.332926