Exercise 6: Post-mortem analysis of an under-powered randomized trial
The randomized clinical trial EOLIA1 evaluated a new treatment for severe acute respiratory distress syndrome (severe ARDS) by comparing the mortality rate after 60 days among 249 patients randomized between a control group (receiving conventional treatment, i.e. mechanical ventilation) and a treatment group receiving extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) — the new treatment studied. A frequentist analysis of the data concluded to a Relative Risk of death of
Goligher et al. (2019) 2 performed a Bayesian re-analysis of these data, further exploring the evidence and how it can be quantified and summarized with a Bayesian approach.
Control | ECMO | |
125 | 124 | |
number of deceased at 60 days | 57 | 44 |
Write the Bayesian model used by Goligher et al. (2019).
I) Question of interest:
Is the Relative Risk of death under ECMO compared to the conventional mechanical treatment less than one ?
II) Sampling model:
Let be the number of death in the control group, and the number of death in the ECMO group
III) Priors:
NB: has approximately a standard deviation of 10 (cf Table 1 of Goligher et al., 2019)
NB: One can also define a sampling model at the individual level:
Let be a binary variable indicating whether the patient from the control group died before 60 days, and a similar variable for patient from the ecmo group.Write the corresponding BUGS model, and save it into a
file (for instance calledgoligherBUGSmodel.txt
)As we have seen above, there are two equivalent ways of defining the sampling model:- either at the population level with a Binomial likelihood,
- or at the individual level with a Bernoulli likelihood
# Population model model{ # Sampling model zcontrol~dbin(pc, ncontrol) zecmo~dbin(RR*pc, necmo) # Prior logRR~dunif(-17, 17) # SD is approximately 10 pc~dunif(0,1) #probability of death in the control group # Re-parameterizations RR <- exp(logRR) ARR <- pc - RR*pc }
# Individual model model{ # Sampling model for (i in 1:ncontrol){ ycontrol[i]~dbern(pc) } for (i in 1:necmo){ yecmo[i]~dbern(RR*pc) } # Prior logRR~dunif(-17, 17) # SD is approximately 10 pc~dunif(0,1) #probability of death in the control group # Re-parameterizations RR <- exp(logRR) ARR <- pc - RR*pc }
First create two binary data vectors
that are either1
, using therep()
R function if you prefer the individual model), to encode the observations from the data table above. Then uses thejags.model()
to replicate the estimation from Goligher et al. (2019) (ProTip: use the functionwindow()
to remove the burn-in observation from the output of thecoda.samples
function.)#Individual data ycontrol <- c(rep(0, 125-57), rep(1, 57)) yecmo <- c(rep(0, 124-44), rep(1, 44)) #sampling library(rjags) goligher_jags_indiv <- jags.model(file = "goligherBUGSmodel_indiv.txt", data = list("ycontrol" = ycontrol, "ncontrol" = length(ycontrol), "yecmo" = yecmo, "necmo" = length(yecmo) ), n.chains = 3)
## Compiling model graph ## Resolving undeclared variables ## Allocating nodes ## Graph information: ## Observed stochastic nodes: 249 ## Unobserved stochastic nodes: 2 ## Total graph size: 260 ## ## Initializing model
res_goligher_indiv <- coda.samples(model = goligher_jags_indiv, variable.names = c('pc', 'RR', 'ARR'), n.iter = 40000) #postprocessing res_goligher_burnt_indiv <- window(res_goligher_indiv, start=21001) # remove burn-in for Markov chain convergence #NB: by default coda.samples() performs 1000 first burnin iterations that are automatically removed from the output but till indexed. #Population data zcontrol <- 57 zecmo <- 44 #sampling goligher_jags_pop <- jags.model(file = "goligherBUGSmodel_pop.txt", data = list("zcontrol" = zcontrol, "ncontrol" = 125, "zecmo" = zecmo, "necmo" = 124 ), n.chains = 3)
## Compiling model graph ## Resolving undeclared variables ## Allocating nodes ## Graph information: ## Observed stochastic nodes: 2 ## Unobserved stochastic nodes: 2 ## Total graph size: 13 ## ## Initializing model
res_goligher_pop <- coda.samples(model = goligher_jags_pop, variable.names = c('pc', 'RR', 'ARR'), n.iter = 40000) #post-processing res_goligher_burnt_pop <- window(res_goligher_pop, start=21001) # remove burn-in for Markov chain convergence #NB: by default coda.samples() performs 1000 first burnin iterations that are automatically removed from the output but till indexed.
Check the convergence, and then comment the estimate results (ProTip: look at the effective sample size with the
## ARR RR pc ## 14879.42 16214.78 15998.81
par(mfrow=c(3, 2)) cumuplot(res_goligher_burnt_pop, ask=FALSE, auto.layout = FALSE)
par(mfrow=c(1, 1))
## ## Iterations = 21001:41000 ## Thinning interval = 1 ## Number of chains = 3 ## Sample size per chain = 20000 ## ## 1. Empirical mean and standard deviation for each variable, ## plus standard error of the mean: ## ## Mean SD Naive SE Time-series SE ## ARR 0.1054 0.06125 0.0002500 0.0005024 ## RR 0.7767 0.12163 0.0004965 0.0009555 ## pc 0.4570 0.04411 0.0001801 0.0003491 ## ## 2. Quantiles for each variable: ## ## 2.5% 25% 50% 75% 97.5% ## ARR -0.01526 0.06381 0.1059 0.1467 0.2251 ## RR 0.56161 0.69183 0.7681 0.8534 1.0392 ## pc 0.37146 0.42709 0.4565 0.4867 0.5442
## ## Iterations = 21001:41000 ## Thinning interval = 1 ## Number of chains = 3 ## Sample size per chain = 20000 ## ## 1. Empirical mean and standard deviation for each variable, ## plus standard error of the mean: ## ## Mean SD Naive SE Time-series SE ## ARR 0.1047 0.06090 0.0002486 0.0004963 ## RR 0.7779 0.12151 0.0004961 0.0009552 ## pc 0.4566 0.04378 0.0001787 0.0003409 ## ## 2. Quantiles for each variable: ## ## 2.5% 25% 50% 75% 97.5% ## ARR -0.01617 0.06406 0.1052 0.1461 0.2223 ## RR 0.56563 0.69258 0.7697 0.8534 1.0411 ## pc 0.37144 0.42684 0.4564 0.4861 0.5422
# shortest 95% Credibility interval: HDInterval::hdi(res_goligher_burnt_pop)
## ARR RR pc ## lower -0.01362207 0.5488287 0.3706276 ## upper 0.22654858 1.0198553 0.5432404 ## attr(,"credMass") ## [1] 0.95
# posterior porbability of RR <1: (answering our question !) head(res_goligher_burnt_pop[[1]]) # first chain
## Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) output: ## Start = 21001 ## End = 21007 ## Thinning interval = 1 ## ARR RR pc ## [1,] 0.09361565 0.7843224 0.4340537 ## [2,] 0.14264251 0.7237648 0.5163806 ## [3,] 0.22962327 0.5650301 0.5279061 ## [4,] 0.24341419 0.5206346 0.5077842 ## [5,] 0.24490921 0.5392786 0.5315777 ## [6,] 0.19667001 0.6005747 0.4923825 ## [7,] 0.05165148 0.8946283 0.4901838
head(res_goligher_burnt_pop[[2]]) # second chain
## Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) output: ## Start = 21001 ## End = 21007 ## Thinning interval = 1 ## ARR RR pc ## [1,] 0.1733616 0.6541119 0.5012072 ## [2,] 0.1867682 0.6191842 0.4904425 ## [3,] 0.1963678 0.5879483 0.4765609 ## [4,] 0.1842940 0.6361408 0.5064982 ## [5,] 0.1225179 0.7411831 0.4733769 ## [6,] 0.1233054 0.7291038 0.4551757 ## [7,] 0.1029334 0.7727277 0.4529078
mean(c(sapply(res_goligher_burnt_pop, "[", , "RR"))<1)
## [1] 0.9564833
Change to a more informative prior using a Gaussian distribution for the log(RR), centered on log(0.78) and with a standard deviation of 0.15 in the log(RR) scale (i.e. a precision of
). Comment the results. Try out other prior distributions.1/(0.15^2)
## [1] 44.44444
logRR~dnorm(log(0.78), 45)
Alain Combes et al. “Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation for Severe Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome,” New England Journal of Medicine 378, no. 21 (2018): 1965–1975, doi:10.1056/NEJMoa1800385.↩︎
Ewan C. Goligher et al. “Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation for Severe Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome and Posterior Probability of Mortality Benefit in a Post Hoc Bayesian Analysis of a Randomized Clinical Trial,” JAMA 320, no. 21 (2018): 2251, doi:10.1001/jama.2018.14276.↩︎