Exercise 6: Post-mortem analysis of an under-powered randomized trial

The randomized clinical trial EOLIA1 evaluated a new treatment for severe acute respiratory distress syndrome (severe ARDS) by comparing the mortality rate after 60 days among 249 patients randomized between a control group (receiving conventional treatment, i.e. mechanical ventilation) and a treatment group receiving extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) — the new treatment studied. A frequentist analysis of the data concluded to a Relative Risk of death of 0.76 in the ECMO group compared to controls (in Intention to Treat), with CI95%=[0.55,1.04] and the associated p-value of 0.09.

Goligher et al. (2019) 2 performed a Bayesian re-analysis of these data, further exploring the evidence and how it can be quantified and summarized with a Bayesian approach.

Observed data from the EOLIA trial
Control ECMO
n observed 125 124
number of deceased at 60 days 57 44
  1. Write the Bayesian model used by Goligher et al. (2019).

    I) Question of interest:
    Is the Relative Risk of death under ECMO compared to the conventional mechanical treatment less than one ?

    II) Sampling model:
    Let Zcontrol be the number of death in the control group, and Zecmo the number of death in the ECMO group ZcontrolBinomial(pc,125) ZecmoBinomial(RR×pc,124)
    III) Priors: pcU[0,1] log(RR)U[17,17]
    NB: U[17,17] has approximately a standard deviation of 10 (cf Table 1 of Goligher et al., 2019)
    NB: One can also define a sampling model at the individual level:
    Let Ycontroli be a binary variable indicating whether the patient i from the control group died before 60 days, and Yecmoi a similar variable for patient from the ecmo group. YcontroliiidBernoulli(pc) YecmoiiidBernoulli(RR×pc)

  2. Write the corresponding BUGS model, and save it into a .txt file (for instance called goligherBUGSmodel.txt)

    As we have seen above, there are two equivalent ways of defining the sampling model:
    • either at the population level with a Binomial likelihood,
    • or at the individual level with a Bernoulli likelihood

    # Population model
      # Sampling model
      zcontrol~dbin(pc, ncontrol)
      zecmo~dbin(RR*pc, necmo)
      # Prior
      logRR~dunif(-17, 17) # SD is approximately 10
      pc~dunif(0,1) #probability of death in the control group
      # Re-parameterizations
      RR <- exp(logRR)
      ARR <- pc - RR*pc
    # Individual model
      # Sampling model
      for (i in 1:ncontrol){
      for (i in 1:necmo){
      # Prior
      logRR~dunif(-17, 17) # SD is approximately 10
      pc~dunif(0,1) #probability of death in the control group
      # Re-parameterizations
      RR <- exp(logRR)
      ARR <- pc - RR*pc
  3. First create two binary data vectors ycontrol and yecmo (or ycontrol and yecmo that are either 1 or 0, using the rep() R function if you prefer the individual model), to encode the observations from the data table above. Then uses the jags.model() and coda.samples() to replicate the estimation from Goligher et al. (2019) (ProTip: use the function window() to remove the burn-in observation from the output of the coda.samples function.)

    #Individual data
    ycontrol <- c(rep(0, 125-57), rep(1, 57))
    yecmo <- c(rep(0, 124-44), rep(1, 44))
    goligher_jags_indiv <- jags.model(file = "goligherBUGSmodel_indiv.txt", 
                                      data = list("ycontrol" =  ycontrol, 
                                                  "ncontrol" = length(ycontrol),
                                                  "yecmo" =  yecmo, 
                                                  "necmo" = length(yecmo)
                                      n.chains = 3)
    ## Compiling model graph
    ##    Resolving undeclared variables
    ##    Allocating nodes
    ## Graph information:
    ##    Observed stochastic nodes: 249
    ##    Unobserved stochastic nodes: 2
    ##    Total graph size: 260
    ## Initializing model
    res_goligher_indiv <- coda.samples(model = goligher_jags_indiv, 
                                           variable.names = c('pc', 'RR', 'ARR'), 
                                           n.iter = 40000)
    res_goligher_burnt_indiv <- window(res_goligher_indiv, start=21001) # remove burn-in for Markov chain convergence 
    #NB: by default coda.samples() performs 1000 first burnin iterations that are automatically removed from the output but till indexed.
    #Population data
    zcontrol <- 57
    zecmo <- 44
    goligher_jags_pop <- jags.model(file = "goligherBUGSmodel_pop.txt", 
                                      data = list("zcontrol" =  zcontrol, 
                                                  "ncontrol" = 125,
                                                  "zecmo" =  zecmo, 
                                                  "necmo" = 124
                                      n.chains = 3)
    ## Compiling model graph
    ##    Resolving undeclared variables
    ##    Allocating nodes
    ## Graph information:
    ##    Observed stochastic nodes: 2
    ##    Unobserved stochastic nodes: 2
    ##    Total graph size: 13
    ## Initializing model
    res_goligher_pop <- coda.samples(model = goligher_jags_pop, 
                                           variable.names = c('pc', 'RR', 'ARR'), 
                                           n.iter = 40000)
    res_goligher_burnt_pop <- window(res_goligher_pop, start=21001) # remove burn-in for Markov chain convergence
    #NB: by default coda.samples() performs 1000 first burnin iterations that are automatically removed from the output but till indexed.
  4. Check the convergence, and then comment the estimate results (ProTip: look at the effective sample size with the effectiveSize() R function).

    ##      ARR       RR       pc 
    ## 14879.42 16214.78 15998.81



    par(mfrow=c(3, 2))
    cumuplot(res_goligher_burnt_pop, ask=FALSE, auto.layout = FALSE)

    par(mfrow=c(1, 1))

    ## Iterations = 21001:41000
    ## Thinning interval = 1 
    ## Number of chains = 3 
    ## Sample size per chain = 20000 
    ## 1. Empirical mean and standard deviation for each variable,
    ##    plus standard error of the mean:
    ##       Mean      SD  Naive SE Time-series SE
    ## ARR 0.1054 0.06125 0.0002500      0.0005024
    ## RR  0.7767 0.12163 0.0004965      0.0009555
    ## pc  0.4570 0.04411 0.0001801      0.0003491
    ## 2. Quantiles for each variable:
    ##         2.5%     25%    50%    75%  97.5%
    ## ARR -0.01526 0.06381 0.1059 0.1467 0.2251
    ## RR   0.56161 0.69183 0.7681 0.8534 1.0392
    ## pc   0.37146 0.42709 0.4565 0.4867 0.5442
    ## Iterations = 21001:41000
    ## Thinning interval = 1 
    ## Number of chains = 3 
    ## Sample size per chain = 20000 
    ## 1. Empirical mean and standard deviation for each variable,
    ##    plus standard error of the mean:
    ##       Mean      SD  Naive SE Time-series SE
    ## ARR 0.1047 0.06090 0.0002486      0.0004963
    ## RR  0.7779 0.12151 0.0004961      0.0009552
    ## pc  0.4566 0.04378 0.0001787      0.0003409
    ## 2. Quantiles for each variable:
    ##         2.5%     25%    50%    75%  97.5%
    ## ARR -0.01617 0.06406 0.1052 0.1461 0.2223
    ## RR   0.56563 0.69258 0.7697 0.8534 1.0411
    ## pc   0.37144 0.42684 0.4564 0.4861 0.5422
    # shortest 95% Credibility interval:
    ##               ARR        RR        pc
    ## lower -0.01362207 0.5488287 0.3706276
    ## upper  0.22654858 1.0198553 0.5432404
    ## attr(,"credMass")
    ## [1] 0.95
    # posterior porbability of RR <1: (answering our question !)
    head(res_goligher_burnt_pop[[1]]) # first chain
    ## Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) output:
    ## Start = 21001 
    ## End = 21007 
    ## Thinning interval = 1 
    ##             ARR        RR        pc
    ## [1,] 0.09361565 0.7843224 0.4340537
    ## [2,] 0.14264251 0.7237648 0.5163806
    ## [3,] 0.22962327 0.5650301 0.5279061
    ## [4,] 0.24341419 0.5206346 0.5077842
    ## [5,] 0.24490921 0.5392786 0.5315777
    ## [6,] 0.19667001 0.6005747 0.4923825
    ## [7,] 0.05165148 0.8946283 0.4901838
    head(res_goligher_burnt_pop[[2]]) # second chain
    ## Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) output:
    ## Start = 21001 
    ## End = 21007 
    ## Thinning interval = 1 
    ##            ARR        RR        pc
    ## [1,] 0.1733616 0.6541119 0.5012072
    ## [2,] 0.1867682 0.6191842 0.4904425
    ## [3,] 0.1963678 0.5879483 0.4765609
    ## [4,] 0.1842940 0.6361408 0.5064982
    ## [5,] 0.1225179 0.7411831 0.4733769
    ## [6,] 0.1233054 0.7291038 0.4551757
    ## [7,] 0.1029334 0.7727277 0.4529078
    mean(c(sapply(res_goligher_burnt_pop, "[", , "RR"))<1)
    ## [1] 0.9564833
  5. Change to a more informative prior using a Gaussian distribution for the log(RR), centered on log(0.78) and with a standard deviation of 0.15 in the log(RR) scale (i.e. a precision of 45). Comment the results. Try out other prior distributions.

    ## [1] 44.44444
     logRR~dnorm(log(0.78), 45)